Preparing for Outages
When severe weather's coming your way, it pays to be ready for tough conditions.
Weather isn't always predictable, which is why preparing ahead of time is never a bad idea. Find important outage links and follow the checklist below to make sure you have what you need in an outage situation. You can also review our severe weather safety tips.
In an outage situation, know where to find what you need...

Outage Map
View the outage map and estimated restoration times.

Get familiar with how we prioritize outage restorations.
In advance of severe weather, be prepared...
How does Evergy prepare?
We also stay prepared for severe weather by...
- Conducting practice drills and trimming trees year-round to minimize potential damage.
- Putting additional crew members and tree crews on alert when severe weather's on its way.
- Sending out crews in 16-hour shifts until power is restored in storm and outage situations.
- Reaching out to the Midwest Mutual Assistance Group and crews from neighboring utilities in major storm or outage events.