Missouri time-based rates

Choose from four new plans

Starting in October, Missouri began moving to time-based rate plans, and Evergy is dedicated to supporting you throughout this transition. We’re here to help you understand your new rate options, choose the plan that’s best for your home and show you how to save money on your new plan.
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Why is Missouri changing?

Timing plays a crucial role in energy, especially when it comes to cost. As energy demand rises, the cost of generating electricity also increases. This usually happens during peak hours of 4-8 pm. During off-peak times (usually in the early morning and overnight) energy demand goes down, which means lower energy costs.

At the same time, reducing energy usage during high-demand times (like hot summer weekdays) also helps lower the strain on the energy grid.

Together, we can embrace the change in Missouri to time-based rate plans and unlock the potential for savings while making a positive impact on our environment and energy grid.

New Missouri time-based plans are here

Evergy is introducing four new time-based plans for you to choose from to comply with the change in Missouri. Customers who do not select a new plan will be moved to the Default Time Based Plan (formerly the Peak Reward Saver plan).

How time-based rate plans work:
With time-based rates, you'll actually pay less than you do now for any energy used during the 20 off-peak hours. Time-based rate plans charge a lower price for energy most of the day, during off-peak hours, but a higher price for energy a few hours a day, during the peak times of 4-8 pm. It is important to shift your large appliance usage, like dishwashers, dryers, and HVAC, to off-peak times, like overnight and early morning, to avoid paying a higher price for energy during the peak times. With time-based plans, it’s important to avoid using large amounts of energy during the peak hours.


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Making the switch

We’re here to help you with the transition to time-based rates. Evergy’s Missouri customers can now choose from four new plans. If customers do not select a plan on their own, they'll be moved to the Default Time Based Plan (formerly called the Peak Reward Saver plan).

To understand which time-based rate may be best for your household, visit your personalized Rate Comparison Tool (based on your past energy usage). You can easily switch to a new plan online.

Change My Rate

Peak Reward Saver Chart

White star icon on orange circleDefault Time Based Plan

Formerly called the Peak Reward Saver plan. Closest to the current standard residential rate, with the lowest rate difference between time periods

  • Who's it for: Customers who are not able to easily shift the time they use energy and are worried about the higher energy rates in the Standard Peak Saver rate plan during the peak time period from 4-8 pm
  • Savings Level: Less savings potential, but less need to shift energy usage into off-peak time periods
  • Tip: Earn bill credits when you shift your large appliance use overnight. Shifting energy usage from 4-8 pm will help reduce your overall bill year round

This rate plan is closest to Evergy’s past residential rate and is the default plan for residential customers. This plan has the lowest difference in price between peak hours of 4-8 pm, and off-peak hours. This plan is not seasonal and applies all year. Customers who are not able to easily shift the time they use energy should consider this rate plan. Customers get a set rate most of the day, plus earn bill discount credits for electricity used overnight. This plan has a small increase in price from 4-8 pm on energy every day, so minimizing heavy energy usage during on-peak time period, will help reduce your bill.

See peak and off-peak pricing for your area by clicking the Get More Details button.

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Standard Peak Saver charts

Green circle with sun and snowflakeSummer Peak Time Based Plan

Formerly called the Standard Peak Saver plan. Only has peak pricing during the summer months

  • Who's it for: Customers who can reduce their usage during the peak time period in the summer months of June through September. If you enjoy using smart home products, like a smart thermostat or programmable appliances, and already pay attention to your energy usage, this rate option may work for you.
  • Savings level: Some energy shifting effort and flexibility needed during the summer (June-Sept)
  • Tip: Set your thermostat to avoid cooling during summer peak hours of 4-8 pm

This plan features 2 time periods in the summer (peak and off-peak) and 2 time periods in non-summer months (off-peak and super off-peak). To avoid paying a higher price for energy during the summer peak period, it will be important to shift energy usage to mornings, overnight, or weekends in the summer. The peak price occurs only during the summer months and is roughly 4 times as much as the off-peak rate. There is only a peak price during the summer months. 

See peak and off-peak pricing for your area by clicking the Get More Details button.

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Nights & Weekends Saver Chart

Crescent moon iconNights & Weekends Plan

Three time periods with different prices, with a overnight and weekend discount

  • Who's it for: Customers who want to save money on their energy bill by working to shift their energy usage away from 4-8pm during the weekdays
  • Savings Level: Effort and flexibility needed to shift your usage away from the peak hours of 4-8 pm
  • Tip: Use smart thermostats and appliance settings to shift when you use energy

This is an optional plan that features 3 time periods during the weekdays (peak, off-peak, and super off-peak) and 2 time periods on the weekends (off-peak and super off-peak). The plan offers a lower energy price overnight and during the day but also has a higher energy price during peak hours. To avoid an increase in your bill, work to shift your large appliance usage away from 4-8 pm. The three time periods are in affect all year during the weekdays, but there are no peak hours during the weekends or holidays.

See peak and off-peak pricing for your area by clicking the Get More Details button.

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Nights & Weekends Max Saver Chart

Moon icon with starsNights and Weekends Max Plan

Three time periods with different prices, with the highest difference in prices between time periods

  • Who's it for: EV drivers or flexible energy users
  • Savings level: High effort and flexibility needed to avoid using large amounts of energy during the peak hours
  • Tip: Schedule your EV charger and large appliances to run overnight

This optional plan is similar to the Nights and Weekends Plan with three time periods, but this plan offers a higher difference in prices between the peak times and super off-peak times. If features 3 time periods during the weekdays (peak, off-peak, and super off-peak) and 2 time periods on the weekends (off-peak and super off-peak).

Designed with EV drivers in mind, this plan offers a very low energy price overnight but also has the highest cost for energy during the weekday peak hours of 4-8 pm. If you can avoid the peak hours and shift usage of your large appliances to overnight, you can save money. The three time periods are in affect all year during the weekdays, but there are no peak hours during the weekends or holidays.

See peak and off-peak pricing for your area by clicking the Get More Details button.

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The Missouri Public Service Commission has updated the default plan for Missouri customers who do not select a time-based plan on their own. It is the Default Time Based Plan.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can be on the Average Payment Plan with the new time-based rate plans.

The Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) has ordered Missouri utilities, including Evergy, to transition to mandatory time-based rate plans. The goal of time-based rates is to match the costs you pay with the actual cost to produce energy. Read more about this mandate from the MPSC's website here.


As energy demand rises, the cost of generating electricity also increases. This usually happens during peak hours of 4-8pm. During off-peak times, usually in the early morning, overnight and on weekends, energy demand decreases, resulting in lower energy costs. Shifting usage to off-peak times reduces the cost to produce energy and reduces the strain on our energy grid.

The default rate plan, for customers that do not choose a plan on their own, is the Default Time Based Plan (formerly called the Peak Reward Saver plan).

All Evergy residential customers in Missouri will be affected by this change, unless they are already on an Evergy time-based plan.

Kansas customers are not affected by this mandatory move to time-based plans. However, Evergy does offer a time-based plan for Kansas customers.

Check out your new plan options. You can choose one that’s right for your household now; or do nothing and you’ll automatically be enrolled in the default plan this fall.

You can use our Rate Comparison Tool to find out which plan is estimated to be the least expensive, based on your past year of energy usage. To see pricing for each plan, view this chart. 

This change in Missouri goes into effect around October 1. However, you don’t need to wait to choose a new plan.

Time-based rate plans are all about trying to shift large appliances usage, like running the dishwasher, HVAC, or dryer, to off-peak times when the cost to produce energy is cheaper. Work to avoid your heavy usage appliances during the peak hours of 4-8pm.

Energy use is at its highest between 4-8 pm (peak hours) on the weekdays, which is why timing is everything when it comes to energy costs. Because we're able to match the cost you pay with actual costs to produce energy, you can save the most when you avoid heavy energy use during peak times on weekdays (because that's when energy production is at its highest, like a "rush hour").

Appliance Chart showing to spread usage of appliances throughout the day versus stacking them from 4-8, during peak energy use times

No. The new Missouri time-based rates are not meant to generate any additional income for Evergy. It is estimated that nearly 70% of Missouri customers may see a reduction in their electricity bills.

No. Most of the state of Missouri, not just Evergy customers, are required to move to time-based plans starting in October. If you do not choose a plan, you will automatically be enrolled in the default plan.

Customers with a net meter will change to the Peak Reward Saver plan in the fall of 2023. Official communication will be sent to net metering customers later this summer about Missouri’s change to time-based rates, which will provide more detailed information.